
Packaging is a process used to simplify the process in Automation. Packaging contains the Processes, Roles and Scenarios. While creating the Appspace we can select the Processes, Role Templates that is the Package for Automation. Here Packaging Processes enables the Enterprise Administrators to curate and manage Organization Processes, Roles and Scenarios for Automation and Deploying for Operations. In Packaging based on selected Application, we get those Processes & Scenarios and Roles Templates for Package. We can select the Package for Automation. Packaged Application Automated in Development Cloud before deploying to Operations Cloud. After testing, deploy to operations cloud for organization operations.

Packaging Processes:

To package the processes into the appspaces, click on select processes under the processes and select the appspace and application. The processes under the selected application will display. Select the process which is suitable for the organization and click on Add to My Processes.

Packaging Role Templates:

To package the role templates into the Appspaces, click on select Role Templates under the Role Templates and select the appspace and Role Templates. Click on Add to My Role Templates.

The screen will be displaying as follows.